“Stories for 1 year olds” was a big hit with my little gosling. A collection of five short stories featuring baby animals playing, having fun, spending time with mummy and bedtime. The drawings are cute, full of details and the story lines simple, relatable even for a young toddler, and the different onomatopoeia proved so much fun – one year on still not bored with the “woo-woo” of the train, the “toot-toot” of the red car on the playground or the “boo”. We’re currently on our second copy of the book, the first one fell victim to busy little hands with still developing fine motor skills. At one point, we were carrying this book around everywhere, baby loved it so much it was the first and sometimes only choice for entertainment, day or night. We spent quite some time exploring the inside cover, which features tiny images of the different characters and objects in the book. Barney, the little bear who would not go to sleep, is the current favourite, baby being very interested in all the toys Barney is moving around in his quest to avoid going to bed.
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